Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The nice thing about owning a home that has soooo many projects to work on is that when I wake up in the morning I’m not exactly 100% sure of which one I will tackle and what I will accomplish. Well today I spent most of the day on the island. In our kitchen we “had” an island that was, shall we say “custom-built” and which was a little oversized given the space of the kitchen. Lauren said it was like having a Mini-Cooper parked in your kitchen and I have to agree with her. So with hammer and reciprocating saw in hand and safety goggles for my eyes I began to demolish the sucker. It was satisfying de-construction and I’ll reuse the butcher block top for a future work bench and some of the plywood to patch up part of the barn. The rest of it made it to the transfer station before it closed today but not before I had a tasty pork burrito at Hot Taco topped with a little Hula Girl Chipotle Habanero Sauce…!

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