Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Beauty Morning in Magnolia

I had a nice walk on the beach in Magnolia this morning. It reminds me that I do miss the ocean at times. There has been a small seal on the beach for a few days which looks like it is finally making its way back to the water.  There's been a few volunteers with the New England Aquarium keeping watch to make sure people and dogs don't get too close.

 I spoke to Billy Rochford for awhile. Billy was one of my groomsmen when we got married in Magnolia more than 32 years ago. We spoke about seals, boats, family, politics, cutting down trees, house projects and basically how to solve all the world problems in about 15 minutes.

On the way back I popped into Dunkin Donuts for a coffee and a chocolate donut. Right now life is good.  

Monday, May 20, 2013

A visit to North Carolina

Last week I was in Durham North Carolina visiting Tommie and Amber.  We ate a lot of food like Chicken and Waffles. I was skeptical of this combination at first but it was surprisingly good. 

We listened to live music while we ate smoked barbeque.

We went swimming at Falls Lake and ate frozen yogurt.

We walked around the fabulous Duke Gardens.

We walked the American Tobacco Trail and didn’t smoke. 

We drove around the neighborhoods where Amber and Tommie would like to buy a house. (They didn’t show us any homes that had in-law apartments?) And now I’m back home in Bethel where it finally is looking like Spring.