In my attempt to begin landscaping and in order to have less lawn to mow I planted this pink Hydrangea bush in the yard. Lauren cannot understand why I decided to plant it where I did and I’ve accepted the fact that this is just one of those things which we’ll never agree on. I did give it a lot of thought however. On my late evening walks out to the yard with Dusty I surveyed all the possible locations for it prior to planting. I thought of how it would look from different viewpoints around the yard and from within the house. You can easily see it from inside the house looking out the kitchen window, the bathroom window, and the living room window. I would like to plant two more of them by the stone wall but right now this is still designated as my bamboo killing zone and I’m afraid anything I plant in this area would suffer.
This year we’ve decided to make our fire pit fancy. Instead of having just the exposed truck tire rim in the yard we bought some concrete blocks to put around it. These blocks are better designed for retaining walls than the tight radius of the fire pit but for now they’ll do. I would like to mortar some permanent rocks around the pit but we have to keep the pit mobile at this current location. This is because before the snow flies it has to be moved so that our snowplow guy can begin pushing the early snows as far back in the yard as he can. But I shouldn’t be talking about snow right now…Memorial Day is Monday.
Let’s talk about summer and things popping up in the yard. Besides dandelions growing in the yard we’re beginning to see our first crop of golf balls compliments of the golfers across the street. The first ball of the season I’m saving for Eva because it matches a tattoo she has. Go Red Sox! Ahhh…the beginning of summer…this is what we’ve been waiting for New England….so clean off your grills….open the windows….slap those mosquitoes and Enjoy!