Monday, October 8, 2012

Improving the Front Entry

Over the last month we have have been (and still are) working on improving the front entry.  That’s right….the entry which no one ever enters except when they delivered our washer and dryer a couple of years ago.  It was gross and needed love and attention.  You could see the window glazing falling out from the inside as well as the outside.  The first step was to remove the four aluminum storm windows which look like they may have been custom made for this entry.  The second step was to remove the old glazing compound which was pretty easy as most of it was falling out anyway.  They third step was to put in new glazing compound with a putty knife which came out okay but took a while because there are 10 panes of glass and I’m slow.  I then scraped all the loose paint around the entry, primed the area, caulked the holes and gaps, and painted it.  During this time Lauren painted those storm windows which I reinstalled on Friday.  It looks a lot better.  We still have to paint the exterior side of the front door itself.  I’m not sure when that will get done but getting this far as the leaves are past peak and with the hint of snow soon feels good. I relish the small steps forward. 

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