Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall Perfection

How do you spell perfection for New England in October?  How about five days in a row of sunshine, blue skies, and high 70 to 80 degree weather?  This all came on a holiday weekend no less.  I hope all the leaf peepers who came to the area enjoyed themselves and spent tons of money on food, wine, lodging, gifts, and fun.  And if you did let me say thank you. This area depends on tourism and I hope your stay and experience was enjoyable.

Lauren and I went up to Sunday River on Saturday to watch the 12th Annual North American Wife Carrying Championship at Sunday River Resort  What can I say? It was a blast.  Later that afternoon we went over to Gibson’s Apple Orchards to pick some apples.  This year we refrained from picking enough to feed everyone in Vermont and instead picked enough just for us.  We also bought two homemade apple pies for $2.00 each.  My first thought was….at $2.00 each maybe something is wrong with them….but No…this is just another one of the perks of living here. You can actually get really good stuff…for very little money.  I might just have to go back and stock up on a few more of those pies. 

On Sunday Lauren and I went swimming at Songo Pond.  Well Lauren actually went swimming while I just went up to my knees.  Swimming on October 9th in Maine… yes the water was cold, but Lauren is related to a family of seals from many generations ago so cold water is no problem for her.  She’ll just climb up on that iceberg to warm herself when the sun is shining. 

The Fall foliage is peaking right now around here and it is a time of beauty and trepidation because after all those beautiful colored leaves fall off….we all know what we get… Stark and Cold.  It is that in between time where the earth and air just works at getting colder and colder and colder until it is always cold enough to snow.  For then the condition is right for white snowflakes to fall upon the earth which will encourage skiers to flock to the resorts and to strap on wood or Kryptonite upon their feet and glide down the mountainside and love it to the point where they then spend many dollars upon food and beer which makes them and us feel that all is right within the world.  Thanks for stopping by.

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